Victim of Crime (U Visa)

U nonimmigrant status (U visa) is reserved for some crime victims who have experienced bodily or emotional abuse. R.E.B. Human Services helps immigrants who are victims of crime to easily get the U visa. U nonimmigrant status may be available to certain people who have been the victims of bodily or mental abuse at the hands of an offender (U visa). With the assistance of the R.E.B. Human Services, victims of crime have the opportunity to apply for the U visa. A victim of certain crimes, notably those involving mental or physical abuse, who is able to help law enforcement or government agencies with their investigations or prosecutions may be eligible for nonimmigrant status under the U category (U visa). The Battered Immigrant Women’s Protection Act was one of the provisions included in the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, which was passed by Congress in October of 2000. As a direct result of this, those who have been victims of violence or trafficking are eligible for the U nonimmigrant visa category. The only people who may join this are those who have been victims of violence or trafficking. The law has two goals: the first is to protect victims of crime who have suffered significant emotional or physical abuse as a direct result of the crime but are willing to assist law enforcement in their investigation and prosecution; the second goal is to increase the capacity of law enforcement to investigate and prosecute cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking of noncitizens, and other crimes. The legislation also has the goal of making it easier for law enforcement to investigate and prosecute offenses including sexual assault, domestic violence, and the trafficking of non-citizens. Additionally, the bill improves the capacity of law enforcement to assist victims of criminal activity.
Under certain conditions, the United States Department of State will consider granting you a U nonimmigrant visa.
- Because you’ve been victimized by an act that meets the criteria for being considered violent.
- As a direct consequence of being a victim of a crime, you have been subjected to a significant amount of abuse, either physically or emotionally.
- You are privy to inside knowledge of the horrific behavior. Your parent, guardian, or closest friend may be qualified to give information on your behalf if you are under the age of 16 or unable to submit information due to a handicap.
- You assisted law enforcement with the investigation of the crime or the prosecution of those responsible for the crime, or you are doing so at this time, or you intend to in the future, or all of the above. If you are under the age of 16 or unable to assist law enforcement authorities due to a handicap, your parent, guardian, or closest friend may do so on your behalf.
- Or, alternatively, it was a federal crime that was illegal to conduct in the United States.
- You do not need to present a visa to enter the United States. If you do not meet the criteria for admission, you have the option of submitting a waiver request using Form I-192, which is an Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant.
- Individuals may get assistance from the R.E.B. Human Services in developing their cases, satisfying eligibility conditions, and obtaining U visas.
R.E.B. Human Services helps immigrants to establish their cases, qualify for applying for a U visa and finally get the U visa. To get more information contact the R.E.B. Human Services today and get consultations about Victim of Crime (U Visa).
Contact Info
R.E.B. Human Services was founded by Ryan E. Bates. Ryan Bates has a brilliant mission to offer affordable and fast Immigrant Evaluations to clients who are already feeling stressed by the process and traumas.