Human Trafficking (T Visa)

T nonimmigrant status is available to noncitizens who are or have been victims of significant human trafficking and who assist law enforcement in their investigations (T visa). The R.E.B. Human Services facilitates the acquisition of the T visa for those immigrants who have been the victims of human trafficking. People who have complied with any reasonable request for assistance from law enforcement in the detection, investigation, or prosecution of human trafficking may be eligible for T nonimmigrant status. This status allows people to stay in the country temporarily without having to worry about being deported. This is a benefit for temporary immigration that enables persons to stay in the United States for an initial term of up to four years, depending on the specific circumstances of their case. Direct family members of a victim may be eligible to petition for nonimmigrant status under the T category if they can provide evidence that they meet the requirements and can show that they are related to the victim.
Non-immigrants who are currently in possession of a T visa status have the chance to get job authorization in addition to access to a range of federal and state programs. The R.E.B. Human Services is able to assist these individuals in obtaining these possibilities. Non-citizens of nation T who meet the requirements may also be eligible to change their immigration status, and eventually receive a Green Card in order to apply for citizenship in the United States of America. This is provided that they meet all of the qualifications. In October of 2000, as a part of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, Congress established this nonimmigrant status for the first time. It is often referred to as a T visa. Human trafficking, often referred to as trafficking in people, is a kind of sexual exploitation that is carried out for the purpose of making a profit via the sale of sexual services as well as other forms of forced labor. Victims of human trafficking are exploited for the purpose of making a profit. Those who engage in unlawful commerce often prey on those who lack the legal immigration status required to work in the country legally. T visas not only provide victims of human trafficking an increased level of protection, but they also strengthen the capacity of law enforcement to investigate and punish those responsible for trafficking. According to federal legislation, the most severe kind of trafficking in persons is classified as
When a person recruits, harbors, transports, provides, solicits, patronizes, or obtains another person for the purpose of a commercial sex act where the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or when the person being induced to perform such an act is under the age of 18, or when a person under the age of 18 is induced to perform a commercial sex act. This is a Class A misdemeanor.
To engage in labor trafficking means to recruit, house, transport, furnish, or procure a person for work or services through the use of force, deception, or coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Those who engage in this practice are guilty of human trafficking.
When a person who has been a victim of human trafficking is given a T visa, they are instantly entitled for protections that are comparable to those provided to refugees. These rights include the ability to work and study legally in the United States. In order for the victim to be eligible for such benefits, they must first have their status as a victim validated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
The amount of time needed to complete a T visa might vary. Following the submission of a visa application, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) does not give applicants an expected processing duration or time range within which they may anticipate the issuance of their visa. This suggests that the amount of time required for processing is contingent on the evidence that is presented by each participant. The R.E.B. Human Services assists immigrants in speeding up the process of obtaining their T visas.
To get more information contact the R.E.B. Human Services today and get consultations about Human Trafficking (T Visa).
Contact Info
R.E.B. Human Services was founded by Ryan E. Bates. Ryan Bates has a brilliant mission to offer affordable and fast Immigrant Evaluations to clients who are already feeling stressed by the process and traumas.